Ways to Support CASA Children
$75 Provides training materials for one CASA volunteer
$120 Provides full advocacy support for one child for one month
$200 Underwrites the required initial training course for one CASA volunteer
$1,450 Provides full advocacy support for one child for one year
$1,800 Sponsors one child through wardship to permanent placement by the court (Often takes 2 or more years)
$4,143 Sponsors one CASA volunteer
Would you like to make a measurable impact on the lives of abused and neglected children but do not know where to begin? Register to donate monthly and become a life changing member of our CASA Starfish Society. Automatic donations -of any amount- are easy to set up and ensure that we have the resources to sustain operations. When you become a monthly donor,
you will join a special group of people reaching out each month to children in our community.
Together, we can make an impactful difference and give hope of a better life.
you will join a special group of people reaching out each month to children in our community.
Together, we can make an impactful difference and give hope of a better life.
You can support CASA of Jackson County with planned gifts in the future from your Will or Trust,
Did you know there are ways to support CASA of Jackson County that will not affect your current lifestyle or your family’s security? You can support CASA with gifts that do not impact the way you live by designating CASA of Jackson County to receive estate assets in the future, or by making immediate gifts to us of assets that are “out of sight and out of mind.” We call these “Gifts Anyone Can Make” because anyone can make them now without impacting cash flow, lifestyle, or family security.
It’s easy and tax deductible!
Contact our broker at Morgan Stanley Wealth Management, Merry Fischer, 541-772-0226.
Transfer named securities to: DTC #0015 | Account 173-012305
CASA of Jackson County Tax ID #94-3215621
Amazon Wish Lists

Shop from our online Amazon lists for our most needed and requested items.
Diapers, infant safe sleep and bath supplies, toys, puzzles, educational needs, etc.
Third Party Fundraising

Supporters often hold third party events to raise money for CASA!
These can be student school projects, appreciation fundraising, school supply, toy, book drives, jog-a-thons, etc.
Amazon Smile, Fred Meyer and Rays Food Place Reward Programs

Choose CASA of Jackson County, Inc. to receive rewards through Amazon Smile, Fred Meyer and Ray’s Food Place!
Linny’s Book Nook

Linda Matthews, currently of San Diego, served on the CASA Board of Directors for many years. Knowing Linda’s generous
heart and love for children, we named our CASA library in honor of her generous support.
Often, when CASA volunteers are meeting a child for the first time, a book is the perfect introduction.
Linny’s Book Nook accepts both new and gently used book donations.
The Lowe’s Clothing and Toy Closet

Children removed from their homes in an emergency situation often do not leave with clothing, toiletries or other needed items. Generous donors and organizations in our community help provide these items. Lowe’s Heroes donated their time and resources to build our CASA clothing and gift closet. Donations of new items are always appreciated and accepted.

The Ticket to Dream Foundation provides foster children with little things that make a big difference-
school supplies, shoes, properly fitting clothing, gift cards and toys.
Throughout the year, we receive items from Ticket to Dream as they partner with
Old Navy, Justice, Title Nine, Famous Footwear, Timberland, etc.